Monday, September 25, 2017

God's Love | Praise and Worship "Chinese Choir 8th Performance"

Listen! God’s people are telling the story of God and man by their attractive singing. A touching and warm picture is thus presented: For six thousand years, God has been treating man as His dearest one. He not only made coats of skins for man, but has always been protecting and caring for man at their side silently. Also, He unfailingly supplies man and devotes everything to man. From this, man can truly feel God’s faithfulness, honor, humbleness, and loveliness. Almighty God, Christ of the last days who is brimming with authority and power, has now come to the world and done the work of judgment with His word. God’s people will surely listen to His voice; all those who truly love God have already returned to His throne one after another. Gradually, all people will have reverence toward God and restart a harmonious, happy life with Him.

1. God Has Returned Triumphant
Ah … ah … ah … ah….
O Zion, shout for joy! O Zion, sing!
God has returned triumphant; God has returned victorious!
O all peoples, line up quickly. Oh all things, stand still.
For God’s person faces the entire universe
and appears in the East of the world!
Who shall not kneel down to worship?
Who shall not confess the true God with his tongue?
Who shall not look up to Him with a heart of fearing? Who shall not praise?
Who shall not praise? Who shall not shout for joy?
God’s people will listen to God’s voice.
Who shall not praise? Who shall not shout for joy?
God’s people will listen to God’s voice.
Mountains and rivers and all things should all shout for joy and leap unceasingly.
At this time, no one, no one dare leave,
and no person, matter, or thing dare rise to resist or revolt.
This is God’s, God’s wonderful deed, much more God’s mighty power!
God will make all have a heart that fears Him,
and even more will make all praise Him, praise Him.
This is the ultimate purpose of
God’s six-thousand-year management plan, management plan,
and this is also determined by God, this is also determined by God.
All God’s people will stream to God’s mountain, and will become subject before God,
because God is possessed of majesty and judgment, also possessed of authority.
Nothing will be difficult,
and all things will be destroyed
by the word of God’s mouth, by the word of God’s mouth,
and established and accomplished by God’s word.
This is God’s mighty power and God’s authority.
God is brimming with power and filled with authority, no one dare hinder,
and God has long overcome everything, and overcome all the sons of disobedience.
Thus, all people have a heart of fearing God.
This has been planned by God from the creation of the world.
Thus, all people have a heart of fearing God.
This has been planned by God from the creation of the world.
from “The One Hundred and Twentieth Piece of Word” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

2. God’s Realness and Loveliness
“To Adam also and to Eve did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them.”
In the picture, we see that God appeared as the parent of Adam and Eve.
Ah … ah … ah … ah….
God created these two men, and He regarded them as His companions.
As their only family, He took care of their life
and their, their food, clothing, shelter, and travel.
Here, God appeared as the parent of Adam and Eve.
God created these two men (two men),
and He regarded them as His companions
(regarded them as His companions, companions).
As their only family (only family), He took care of their life (ah)
and their, their food, clothing, shelter, and travel (food, clothing, shelter, and travel).
Here, God appeared (appeared) as the parent (the parent),
appeared as the parent of Adam and Eve.
In this thing God did,
men cannot see God’s loftiness or God’s supremacy
or God’s mysteriousness and unfathomableness,
much less see God’s wrath and majesty.
They only see God’s humbleness and lovingkindness,
see God’s concern for man and His responsibility and loving care for man.
God treated Adam and Eve with the same attitude and in the same way
as human parents are concerned about their children,
also as human parents tenderly love, look after, and care for their children.
It was true and real, visible and tangible.
God treated Adam and Eve (Adam and Eve)
with the same attitude and in the same way
(with the same attitude and in the same way)
as human parents are concerned about (parents are concerned about)
their children (their children),
also as human parents tenderly love, look after, and care for
(tenderly love, look after, and care for) their children.
It was true and real (true and real),
visible and tangible (visible and tangible), visible and tangible.
God did not stand in His lofty position
but personally made the coats of skins for mankind and clothed them.
Although this thing is simple and even not worth mentioning in men’s eyes,
it causes all those who follow God but have been full of vague imaginations about God
to see God’s realness, see God’s loveliness,
and see God’s faithfulness and humbleness,
to see God’s realness and loveliness and see God’s faithfulness and humbleness.
“To Adam also and to Eve did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them.”
In the picture, we see that
God appeared as the parent, the parent, the parent of Adam and Eve,
appeared, appeared as the parent of Adam and Eve.
from “God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Himself I” in A Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh

3. God Treats Man as His Dearest One
God created mankind.
Whether mankind has been corrupted or mankind can follow Him,
He treats mankind as His nearest relation,
as His dearest one spoken of by mankind,
rather than a plaything, a plaything.
God says that He is the Creator and mankind is the created being.
> It sounds as if there is some difference between them in rank,
sounds as if there is some difference between them in rank.
But in fact, all that God has done for mankind is far beyond this relationship.
God loves mankind, takes care of mankind,
and shows concern for mankind, shows concern for mankind.
God loves mankind, takes care of mankind,
and shows concern for mankind, shows concern for mankind,
and He also unfailingly supplies mankind.
In His heart, He has never felt that these are extra things
or felt that these do great credit to Him, felt that these do great credit to Him.
Nor has He ever felt that His saving mankind, supplying mankind,
and bestowing everything to mankind is a great, great contribution to them.
Nor has He ever felt that His saving mankind, supplying mankind,
and bestowing everything to mankind is a great contribution to them.
He just supplies mankind, supplies mankind silently and quietly,
in His own way, with His own substance and with what He has and is.
No matter how much supply and help man has received from Him,
He does not have any thought or action of taking credit from man.
This is determined by God’s substance,
and this is precisely a true expression of God’s disposition.
God created mankind.
Whether mankind has been corrupted or mankind can follow Him,
He treats mankind as His nearest relation,
He treats mankind as His nearest relation.
from “God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Himself I” in A Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh

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