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The Church of Almighty God |
Collection of Sermons—Supply for Life
42 Why Has the Religious World Been Serving God Yet Resisting God Over Such a Long Time?
——Disclosing and Dissecting the Truth and Substance of the Religious World Crucifying Christ Twice
In the Age of the Law when God completed his work through Moses, the religious world came into being, and the priesthood that serves God was formed in Israel and has remained until today, for thousands of years. The priests of Jehovah God, the Creator, have been holding to the laws and commandments God issued in the Age of the Law, which has not changed even today. What puzzles people is why this only priesthood that serves the true God on earth could resist and condemn the incarnated Lord Jesus when he appeared and worked and even handed him over to Pilate in power to be crucified. This event, which by rights should not have happened, did happen, and it was genuinely tragic and stirred up and shocked the whole world, becoming a big scandal in the two-thousand-year history of the religious world serving God yet resisting God. If it had not been for God’s appearing and testimony in the Age of the Grace, this would have gone down in history as the “great achievement” of the Jewish priesthood. Why can the problem of the religious world’s serving God yet resisting God remain until today and has not changed in the slightest? What is the root of the problem?
Now is the time that mankind should examine and know themselves, especially the leaders and pastors in the religious world. If they cannot truly examine themselves and face the fact of their serving God yet resisting God, they will continue to walk along the wrong way of being hostile to God, and their outcome will be even more tragic, because Almighty God has already given a warning and curse: “Woe to those who crucify God.”
Now is the time that mankind should examine and know themselves, especially the leaders and pastors in the religious world. If they cannot truly examine themselves and face the fact of their serving God yet resisting God, they will continue to walk along the wrong way of being hostile to God, and their outcome will be even more tragic, because Almighty God has already given a warning and curse: “Woe to those who crucify God.”
Recalling the fact that the Lord Jesus’ being crucified, which actually fulfilled God’s redemptive work, arouses reflection, pondering, and throngs of thoughts. The joint between each of the stages of God’s work and the way they are linked are really amazing. It is really so significant that God ruled, arranged, and worked this way to end the Age of the Law and open the Age of the Grace. On the one hand, it has fully revealed and laid bare the truth that the priesthood in the Age of the Law served God yet resisted and condemned God’s being incarnated to appear and work, and thus they were condemned and punished by God, which led to the destruction of Israel lasting for two thousand years. On the other hand, God cleverly used the fact of the religious world resisting and condemning God’s work as a setoff and a serving thing to accomplish the work of redeeming mankind in the Age of the Grace. This is exactly the far-reaching significance displayed directly in the joint between the two stages of God’s work in the Age of the Law and in the Age of the Grace. On the one hand, it reveals and exposes the problem that corrupt mankind in the Age of the Law could resist God while not knowing God, and records forever mankind’s shame of crucifying Christ due to their not knowing God with the grieving fact they cannot avoid or forget. God’s ending the work of the Age of the Law and starting the work of the Age of the Grace in such a way is really helpful to mankind’s knowing that each stage of God’s work interrelates with the other and is uplifted on the basis of the other. Thus it is not difficult for people to see that the work of the Age of the Grace is completely built on the basis of the work of the Age of the Law. On the other hand, it can enable people to know God’s almightiness and wisdom and God’s righteous disposition of being intolerant of offense. Even the priests who serve God will not be spared by God if they offend God’s disposition, and God will surely reveal, expose, judge, and condemn them. And according to the oath the priests of Israel made at the time when they crucified the Lord Jesus, “This iniquity be on us, and on our children,” he judged and chastised the people of Israel for as long as two thousand years, so that they fully tasted the misery and pain of being tossed to and fro among all the nations and being enslaved. This is enough to show that God’s disposition does not tolerate anyone’s offense. The fact of God’s work has already proved that God’s wisdom is completely based on satan’s schemes, which highlights God’s almightiness and wisdom in ruling over everything. God’s works are really closely linked one to the other, thought-provoking, heart-thrilling, earth-shaking, extraordinary, and unfathomable!
When it comes to the Age of the Kingdom, God is incarnated again to do the end-time work of judgment and chastisement as predestined and according to the Lord Jesus’ promise, “I will come again.” Likewise, he uses the great red dragon and the leaders in the religious world as setoffs and serving objects to perfect God’s chosen people, causing mankind to know God’s righteousness and holiness and his almightiness and wisdom in ruling over everything, see through satan’s evil and ugly true face, and see clearly the truth that satan is just the cause of mankind’s corruption, which leads to the darkness and evil of the world, and meanwhile revealing and disclosing the sinful fact of the religious world resisting, condemning, and crucifying again the end-time Christ, Almighty God. Twice God is incarnated to appear and work, and both times he is resisted, condemned, and crucified by the religious world. In the Age of the Grace when the Lord Jesus came to do the redemptive work, he was resisted, condemned, and handed over to Pilate in power to be crucified, by the religious world in the Age of the Law, that is, the Jewish priesthood. In the Age of the Kingdom when the incarnated Almighty God comes to do the end-time work of judgment, he is also resisted, framed, attacked, blasphemed, and condemned by the end-time religious world, and they even join hands with the great red dragon to persecute Christ and condemn God’s end-time work, which has become an open fact. History shows such a striking similarity between God’s being condemned and persecuted both times when he is incarnated to work. What does that show? Is the tragic fact of the religious world crucifying Christ two times not worth mankind’s reflection and pondering? Many people may feel surprised: Why is God resisted and condemned by the religious world both times when he is incarnated? The religious world in the Age of the Law resisted and condemned the Lord Jesus and crucified him, which was the first lesson of failure of the religious world serving God yet resisting God, and this is excusable. Then why is it that the religious world in the Age of the Grace not only does not learn the lesson paid for in blood from this bitter failure but instead crucifies the last Christ again, repeating the historical tragedy? The force of antichrist in the religious world joins hands with the great red dragon to condemn, frame, hunt, and persecute the end-time Christ and disturb and damage God’s work, which is a fact obvious to all. They have already committed the monstrous sin of crucifying Christ again. Some people ignorant of the truth of the fact may ask, “Why does God allow the tragedy of the religious world crucifying the end-time Christ again to occur?” There surely are God’s wisdom and good intentions hidden in it. God rules over everything. Just as God ended the Age of the Law and opened the Age of the Grace before, which broadened mankind’s horizons and feasted their eyes, in the same way God ends the Age of the Grace and opens the Age of the Kingdom today. Isn’t it a more significant thing? This is also a very good opportunity for mankind to know God’s righteous disposition and his almightiness and wisdom. Moreover, if the tragic fact of crucifying Christ again did not occur, how could the substance and truth of the religious world resisting God be exposed so thoroughly and clearly? By this God arouses mankind’s numb hearts so that they can reflect and ponder again so as to know the substance of their nature of being corrupted by satan most deeply and resisting God as well as the truth of it, and thereby they can see clearly how the pastors and leaders in the religious world deceive people and resist God and thus become the evil force of antichrist and that they are God’s enemies as the great red dragon is, become completely clear that only Almighty God can lead mankind and save mankind and decide mankind’s destinations and outcomes, and know that they, while believing in God, should not adore man, follow man, and be deceived and controlled by man living under satan’s domain and that they should not think that with the Bible, they can know God and serve God, much less think that with the first two stages of God’s work, corrupt mankind has repented and changed and can wait to be directly raptured to enjoy the blessings of the kingdom of heaven, which is only mankind’s own wishful thinking and imagination. Almighty God who searches hearts and minds has long seen through the substance of mankind’s nature of resisting God, so he is incarnated again in the end time to do the work of judgment and chastisement, by which to reveal and expose the substance and truth of the religious world resisting God, which is as dark and evil as the world, thereby achieving his purpose of saving mankind. This is really beyond the prediction of corrupt mankind.
Now the curtain of God’s end-time judgment before the great white throne has long been lifted. To God’s chosen people who have accepted God’s judgment and chastisement, this has not been a hidden mystery. Since the end-time Christ started to express the truth and the judgment began with the family of God, the antichrist force of the upper religious circles has begun to condemn and resist God’s end-time work, and it fabricates all sorts of lies and rumors to deceive people and spreads the rumors and falsehoods of condemning Christ and God’s end-time work on various kinds of websites to confuse and poison their minds, forming a united front that hinders people from returning to God and incites all people on earth to oppose God’s end-time work of judgment together, which leads to the war between justice and evil in the end time. What puzzles people is why the religious world can stand on the side of the great red dragon. The world’s being dark and evil and resisting God is the inevitable result of mankind’s being corrupted most deeply. But why does the religious world hate God as the world does, condemning Christ and God’s end-time work so outrageously? Especially, they can even clap their hands for joy at the great red dragon condemning and persecuting God’s chosen people. This force of antichrist has finally joined hands with the great red dragon the devil in dealing with God’s end-time work. The substance of their nature is really the same, and they both belong to the satanic camp. Is it not worth man’s reflection? The condemnation and hatred of these antichrists the devils in the religious world for the Christ incarnated in the end time have gone far beyond man’s imagination and have exceeded those of the Jewish religion at that time. The Jewish religion at that time could shout the evil slogan, “Give us the robber, not Jesus. Jesus must be crucified.” The religious world in the end time is by no means inferior. They coordinate with the great red dragon “harmoniously,” taking the attitude of “being not satisfied unless they arrest and get rid of the end-time Christ.” The great red dragon chases Christ rampantly, and even does not hesitate to send secret-service agents and detective ranks to chase him from China in the east to America in the west, aggressively attempting to get rid of Christ and make the world a godless region. The religious world is also unwilling to lag behind. They greatly approve of and support the great red dragon’s sparing no effort to chase Christ and frenziedly damaging God’s work, attempting to join hands with it to ban God’s end-time work, and at the same time they closely seal off and control the religious world. Actually, the religious world has long been deceived and controlled by the evil force of antichrist, becoming the accomplice and running dog of the satanic forces. Most people in religion are still being deceived and controlled by antichrists, living under satan’s domain. They believe in God in name but in reality are following and obeying the evil force of antichrist in the religious world, having already got on the way of being against God. How could they be approved by God? In the Age of the Grace when the religious world was controlled by the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees, most believers in God submitted to and obeyed their leading and shepherding. This is a fact. Likewise, the religious world in the end time is also controlled by the religious leaders and pastors. Most believers in God listen to and obey the leaders and pastors in the modern religious world, and even in investigating the truth they listen to their pastors’ decision. They believe in whatever way their pastors ask them to believe and believe in whoever their pastors ask them to believe in. The pastors condemn Christ and resist God, and most people in religion also follow them to do so. The leaders and pastors in the religious world walk the way of antichrist, and most people in religion also follow them to walk the same way. This is even more a fact obvious to all. The evil fact of the end-time mankind resisting God so frenziedly is sufficient to prove that the religious world has been dark and evil to the extent of being hostile to God and has already become the evil satanic force that resists God. Mankind has been corrupted by satan most deeply, full of satanic disposition, and they are all the evil brood that worship and follow satan, which has completely confirmed Jesus’ word, “a wicked and adulterous generation.” Just as Almighty God says, “…mankind is my enemy, mankind is the evil one that resists and disobeys me, mankind is the offspring of the evil one cursed by me, mankind is the descendant of the archangel that rebelled against me, and mankind is the heritage from the devil that has been detested and rejected by me long ago and that stands in sharp opposition to me.”
The words with which God judges corrupt mankind cannot be accepted by people in the religious world at once. But if one can read through all God’s words and ponder them carefully and then check the bloody evil facts of the present religious world condemning and chasing the end-time Christ and corrupt mankind’s doings, he will be completely awakened, confirming that all God’s words are the reality of the truth. When corrupt mankind has lost every battle in experiencing God’s work but still can go against the truth and thus break God’s heart, they will be sincerely convinced by God’s word and fully acknowledge that God’s word is the truth. Think back to the time when corrupt mankind accepted the redemptive work of Jesus. Hadn’t they also gone through a course of reflecting and thinking? Now is the time to accept God’s judgment and chastisement. As long as one can ponder God’s word carefully and then examine his own doings, it will not be difficult for him to discover that every word of God is the truth and is just the sharp two-edged sword and its dissection and judgment of the corrupt substance of mankind is accurate and cannot be more proper. When one can truly obey God’s end-time work of judgment and chastisement, he will come to realize that God’s judgment and chastisement of mankind is so timely and so necessary, and it is exactly God’s greatest salvation and love. Thus, it will not be hard to see clearly what is the root of the religious world always condemning and resisting the incarnated God and crucifying Christ again. Actually, the upper-class leaders in the religious world resist God while serving God because of their hatred of the truth. God’s being incarnated to express the truth really reveals people. Mankind resists God because the words God expresses are all the truth and are all the judgment of them. Mankind resists and condemns God because of hating the truth, which is sufficient to show that mankind has been corrupted too deeply, even to the extent of hating the truth and being hostile to God. So, when God is incarnated to express the truth, he first encounters frenzied opposition, condemnation, and resistance from the upper-class leaders in the religious world. This is an objective fact, which no one can deny. Thus it can be seen that corrupt mankind cannot be saved if they refuse to accept God’s judgment and chastisement. God’s judgment of mankind in the end time really reveals people, and all people are divided into their kinds because of the revealing of God’s word. This shows fully clearly why the religious world has been playing the role of serving God yet resisting God for thousands of years. The Lord Jesus has given a thorough disclosure and judgment of it in the Age of the Grace. The substance of the religious world resisting God cannot be disclosed and dissected unless when the incarnated Christ comes. No corrupt human being can see through the truth and substance of the religious world resisting God, because they, having no truth, can only be deceived, used, and manipulated by false shepherds and antichrists the devils and do evil with them, becoming accomplices and running dogs of satan in resisting God. This is a natural thing. The force of antichrist in the religious world joins hands with the great red dragon to resist and condemn Almighty God who comes in the end time to save mankind; isn’t it enough to illustrate the fact that the whole world is dark and evil and mankind has been corrupted too deeply? In the following paragraphs, let us see how the Lord Jesus disclosed in the Age of the Grace the truth and substance of the evil antichrist force of the upper religious circles resisting God all along.
“But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for you neither go in yourselves, neither suffer you them that are entering to go in. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you devour widows’ houses, and for a pretense make long prayer: therefore you shall receive the greater damnation.”
“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, you make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.”
“Woe to you, you blind guides, which say, Whoever shall swear by the temple, it is nothing; but whoever shall swear by the gold of the temple, he is a debtor! You fools and blind: for whether is greater, the gold, or the temple that sanctifies the gold? And, Whoever shall swear by the altar, it is nothing; but whoever swears by the gift that is on it, he is guilty. You fools and blind: for whether is greater, the gift, or the altar that sanctifies the gift? Whoever therefore shall swear by the altar, swears by it, and by all things thereon. And whoever shall swear by the temple, swears by it, and by him that dwells therein. And he that shall swear by heaven, swears by the throne of God, and by him that sits thereon.”
“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought you to have done, and not to leave the other undone. You blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.”
“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess. You blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also.”
“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you are like to white washed sepulchers, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness. Even so you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but within you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.”
“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchers of the righteous, And say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets. Why you be witnesses to yourselves, that you are the children of them which killed the prophets. Fill you up then the measure of your fathers. You serpents, you generation of vipers, how can you escape the damnation of hell? Why, behold, I send to you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them you shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall you whip in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city: That on you may come all the righteous blood shed on the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom you slew between the temple and the altar. Truly I say to you, All these things shall come on this generation.” (Matthew 23:13-36)
These are the most famous words by which the Lord Jesus exposed and judged in the Age of the Grace the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees in the Jewish religious world.
From the fact that the Lord Jesus disclosed and dissected the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees in religious world in the Age of the Law with the “seven woes”, we can see that most leaders in the religious world are hypocritical Pharisees and have long become the evil satanic force that is against God. This has been an irrefutable fact. The “seven woes” with which Jesus condemned the Pharisees in the religious world are the seven evil deeds, disclosed by the Lord Jesus, of the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees in the religious world at that time, which is accurate. Now, I will list the seven evil deeds of the leaders in the religious world in the order of the “seven woes” disclosed by Jesus as follows:
1. They shut the kingdom of heaven before men’s faces and by no means allowed God’s chosen people to follow Christ. Christ is the gate of the kingdom of heaven, and the coming of Christ brings the kingdom of God. They not only did not accept Christ but instead crucified Christ, that is, they themselves did not enter the kingdom of heaven, nor did they let others enter.
2. They travelled over land and sea to win a single convert, and when he became one, he was deceived and controlled by them, becoming one who worshipped idols and followed satan and being made a son of hell. They not only had not brought people before God, but hindered them from accepting Christ. They were just the antichrists that deceived people.
3. They never swore by the temple, but only by the gold of the temple, which exposes that they did not fear God at all or have a place for God in their heart and what they valued in their heart was only gold and property, revealing that they were greedy and shameless and were not at all ones who served God.
4. In serving God, they only practiced religious rituals but did not practice the truth, only giving God a tenth of the offerings to deceive God. They were really hypocritical and deceitful. They had others blindly trust in, adore, and follow them, but never led them to practice the truth and enter into reality. They were false shepherds, blind guides.
5. They, standing in the high position of serving God, did not love the truth themselves, nor allow others to pursue the truth and pursue to know God. They only paid attention to deceiving others by hypocrisy and pretense, covering their evil true face, giving others a pretense for them to adore and follow them. They really harmed people badly.
6. They were whitewashed tombs, which were decorated beautifully on the outside but on the inside were full of filthiness and corruption and evil and the smell of corpses. All that they did was evil, yet they gave others a pretense to deceive them. They had already become bloodsuckers and parasites and were loathed and hated by God.
7. Their tongues were full of Bible doctrines, but for the sake of keeping their position and rice bowl, they could kill the prophets and righteous men. Once they heard that the incarnated Christ appeared to work, they would try every possible means to chase and kill him. They were all pure antichrists and accomplices of satan, really being God’s enemies.
“The seven woes” the Lord Jesus exposed the Pharisees with has already revealed that the darkness and evil of the religious world has been no different from the world. This completely enables people to see that what the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees in the religious world did was not at all serving God but resisting God and being against God. They stood in the position of the priests and leaders who served God but did not practice the truth and justice, and they could do all kinds of evil things and even condemned, persecuted, and crucified the incarnated Christ as their enemy, committing a monstrous sin. How could they not provoke God’s wrath? So God hated, got angry with, exposed, judged, and condemned them, which is natural. This has revealed that God’s righteous disposition does not tolerate anyone’s offense. In the Age of the Grace God already loathed and hated the evil deeds of the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees in the religious world that went against the truth and were against God in every aspect, and he exposed and judged them mercilessly, which is sufficient to show that God is a righteous and holy God and God has never approved of those in the religious world who serve him yet resist him. When God is incarnated, it means that he personally comes to the world to look for his sheep and save all those who love the truth and can listen to his voice. The ones God chooses are all those who truly want God and can accept the truth. During the time the Lord Jesus preached, the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees in the religious world all became ones condemned and eliminated by God. This has revealed God’s righteousness and holiness and revealed that only God is most lovely, amiable, respectable, and trustworthy, whereas the leaders, scribes, and Pharisees in the religious world were all hypocritical, full of deceit, craftiness, insidiousness, and evil, and were all brood of vipers that deceived and controlled people and resisted God, who were exactly ones deserving to be rejected. We have never seen any of the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees in Jewish religion could come before Jesus to repent in the Age of the Grace when Jesus did the redemptive work, much less have we seen many Pharisees truly examine and regret their evil deeds after Jesus was crucified and accomplished the redemptive work. Even if there were such ones, they were very few. The fact is enough to prove that the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees in the religious world were all the devils that hated the truth and resisted God. No matter how much evil they had done, even nailing Jesus onto the cross, they never regretted their sinful deeds. This is really thought-provoking. From this it is not difficult to see that most leaders in the religious world are false shepherds that serve God yet resist God and are exactly the pure antichrists the devils—the embodiments of satan, but many believers in God still worship them and follow them. This is enough to show that mankind has been corrupted so deeply that their hearts have been obsessed with lies and evil, their minds have been blinded by satan, and they, ruined by satan, are still too obstinate to be awakened, like a dead one. Thus it can be seen how hard God’s work of saving this most deeply corrupted mankind is! This is exactly the key problem all corrupt mankind should reflect on and know.
In order for people to know more clearly the truth of the force of antichrist in the religious world serving God yet resisting God, let us read several stories recorded in the Bible that happened during the period the Lord Jesus preached. This can help people see more clearly the true condition of the Pharisees in the religious world resisting God and is beneficial to people’s seeking the true way without being blinded or deceived by the religious world, thus forsaking darkness for light and truly returning to God.
The Gospel of Mark records, “Then came together to him the Pharisees, and certain of the scribes, which came from Jerusalem. And when they saw some of his disciples eat bread with defiled, that is to say, with unwashed, hands, they found fault. (For the Pharisees, and all the Jews, except they wash their hands oft, eat not, holding the tradition of the elders. And when they come from the market, except they wash, they eat not. And many other things there be, which they have received to hold, as the washing of cups, and pots, brazen vessels, and of tables.) Then the Pharisees and scribes asked him, Why walk not your disciples according to the tradition of the elders, but eat bread with unwashed hands? He answered and said to them, Well has Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. However, in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things you do. And he said to them, Full well you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your own tradition.”
These Pharisees and scribes came from Jerusalem on purpose to tempt Jesus, not for seeking the truth but for getting a handle against Jesus. From the words they said, we can see that they only taught others to hold to the religious rituals and man’s traditions but set aside the commands of God. This is the ironclad proof of the Pharisees and scribes serving God yet resisting God. How could they not be loathed and hated by God?
The Gospel of Matthew records, “And when he was come into the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people came to him as he was teaching, and said, By what authority do you these things? and who gave you this authority? And Jesus answered and said to them, I also will ask you one thing, which if you tell me, I in like wise will tell you by what authority I do these things. The baptism of John, from where was it? from heaven, or of men? And they reasoned with themselves, saying, If we shall say, From heaven; he will say to us, Why did you not then believe him? But if we shall say, Of men; we fear the people; for all hold John as a prophet. And they answered Jesus, and said, We cannot tell. And he said to them, Neither tell I you by what authority I do these things.” (Matthew 21:23-27)
The chief priests and elders were all the leaders in Jewish religion at that time, and they were hostile to Jesus just like this. They often tempted Jesus, always attempting to get a handle against Jesus so as to put him to death. This is even more the ironclad proof of the chief priests and elders serving God yet resisting God. How could they not provoke God’s wrath and hatred?
The Gospel of Matthew records, “Then spoke Jesus to the multitude, and to his disciples, Saying The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat: All therefore whatever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not you after their works: for they say, and do not. For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men’s shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers. But all their works they do for to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments, And love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues, And greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi. But be not you called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all you are brothers. And call no man your father on the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. Neither be you called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ. But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant. And whoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.” (Matthew 23:1-12)
The Bible records many cases of the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees in Jewish religion resisting Jesus and condemning Jesus. This even more enables people to see that the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees in the Jewish religious world only practiced religious rituals and only taught others to keep regulations and apply the laws, which is sufficient to prove that they did not practice the truth at all and did not have the slightest reality. They read the Bible abundantly and studied the laws, yet they did not know God at all. Most hatefully, they could even kill the prophets and righteous men, and they not only did not accept and obey the Christ who was incarnated to express the truth, but even could condemn, arrest, frame, and murder him, having become God’s enemies. So, God deeply hated them and exposed, dissected, and condemned them, which even more reveals that God is a righteous and holy God and he likes those who do righteousness and hates those who do evil. God never approved of the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees in the Jewish religious world, and only exposed, judged, and cursed them. This is the fact acknowledged by all believers in the Lord Jesus. If one really understands the Bible, why can he not know the true condition of the pastors and elders in the modern religious world being hypocritical and resisting God according to the Lord Jesus’ words? Why can he not stand on the side of the Lord Jesus to discern this ungrateful brood of vipers that serve God yet resist God and reject them? If one really understands the Bible, he should be able to see a more terrible fact, that is, most leaders and pastors in the modern religious world are playing the role of the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees in the Age of the Grace who resisted the Lord Jesus, and they are continuing to resist Almighty God incarnated in the end time, whose sin even exceeds that of the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees who resisted the Lord Jesus at that time. They extremely hate the truth and deeply fear that God’s chosen people might accept the true way and obey God’s work and be gained by God so that they themselves might be isolated, so they do not hesitate to fabricate lies and rumors to deceive others, and they even distort the facts, confound black and white, make false charges, frame, and condemn, and also shamelessly misinterpret the Bible out of context to condemn Christ and blaspheme the Holy Spirit’s work as well as God’s utterance and word. In order to keep their position and rice bowl, they do not hesitate to resort to all sorts of mean tricks to judge, blaspheme, and resist God. What they do are exactly the same as the satanic tricks the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees in Jewish religion used in resisting the Lord Jesus, and they both walk the way of antichrist that is hostile to God. By observing the various kinds of manifestations of most leaders and pastors in the religious world serving God yet resisting God, we can see that they have mainly done seven evil deeds, which have already provoked God’s wrath, and they will undoubtedly be punished. Now, I will list the seven evil deeds of most pastors and leaders in the religious world as follows:
1. They only practice religious rituals and hold to and preach about men’s traditions and doctrines but set aside the commands of God; they never teach others to obey God, know God, or listen to God’s word, never preach about the reality of the truth, and never disclose the darkness of the religious world according to God’s word for others to know the evil age.
2. They do not fear God at all and have no place for God in their heart but steal and indulge in God’s offerings; they cannot truly serve God but take indulging in God’s offerings as their rice bowl, and they often summon and force others to consecrate offerings for them to enjoy, having become bloodsuckers and parasites through and through.
3. They travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, he is deceived and controlled by them, becoming their slave. They give others no freedom to choose and do not allow them to investigate the true way and seek God’s appearing to work, making them sons of hell. It is really that a blind man leads a blind man and both fall into a pit.
4. In preaching and working, they often steal God’s glory and show off and testify themselves for others to imitate, adore, and follow, so that they themselves become others’ idols, thereby achieving their purpose of entrapping and controlling others. They never truly testify God and magnify God for the purpose that others will obey and worship God.
5. They hate the truth and especially envy those who pursue the truth and understand the truth, discouraging, excluding, and condemning them. They only allow others to worship and follow them but hinder and restrict others from accepting Christ, and they seal off the churches tight, deeply fearing that someone might come to testify God’s end-time work.
6. In order to keep their position and rice bowl, they do not hesitate to fabricate all sorts of rumors and lies to frame, condemn, or blaspheme the end-time Christ, Almighty God, causing a state of chaos and darkness. They would rather get mutual destruction than not fight God to the end. From this it can be seen that they are not serving God but their position and rice bowl.
7. They do not at all acknowledge the fact of God’s being incarnated, nor do they believe in the word and work of God incarnated in the end time, which is sufficient to prove that they all have the substance of antichrist’s nature of hating the truth and the way they walk is antichrist’s way of serving God yet resisting God, which is hostile to God.
The above seven evil deeds of the force of antichrist in the religious world in resisting God is a fact acknowledged by all believers in God. These seven evil deeds of the religious world today are exactly the same in substance as the “seven woes” with which the Lord Jesus exposed and judged the Pharisees, which is enough to prove that the religious world has been serving God yet resisting God all along and the way they walk is the way of antichrist. The facts have also revealed that they all have the substance of satan’s nature of hating the truth and resisting God. So, they can become the hostile force to the end-time Christ, which is the cause of the darkness and evil of the religious world. This has fully fulfilled the prophecy in the Book of Revelation that the religious world is “the great prostitute,” “Babylon the Great.” Now, some who love the truth and thirst for God’s appearing have seen through these modern Pharisees’ nature and substance of antichrist, and they begin to come out of the religious world to seek the footsteps of God’s working. Actually, these “Pharisees” in the religious world clearly know that every word the last Christ expresses is the truth and is the judgment and chastisement of corrupt mankind, but they, due to hating the truth, adopt the attitude of resisting, judging, and condemning it and being hostile to God. But above all, they have committed the monstrous sin of blaspheming the Holy Spirit and blaspheming God’s work. The three main manifestations will be listed as follows:
1. They fabricate the rumor, saying that Christ is a neuropath who was born in Henan Province. This is a serious blasphemy against God.
2. They say that God’s utterance and word is man’s word, and they also say that in God’s word there is an evil spirit and that once one reads it, he will be deceived. This is a serious blasphemy against God.
3. They say that God’s end-time work is the evil spirit’s work, which is the same as saying that the Holy Spirit’s work is the evil spirit’s work. This is a blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
The whole religion world is spreading everywhere the above three aspects of words that seriously blaspheme God. If one is really a person who fears God, he absolutely dare not say such words. Looking back on the time when Jesus preached, there were already religious people who said that Jesus drove out demons by Beelzebul. In saying so, they really committed the sin of blaspheming the Holy Spirit. The Lord Jesus said, “All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven to men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven to men.” (Matthew 12:31) Most of the leaders and pastors in today’s religious world can spread and broadcast everywhere such lies and fallacies that blaspheme the Holy Spirit, and they have committed the sin of blaspheming the Holy Spirit regardless of what their intents and purposes are. He who truly fears God will never dare to say anything lightly before he has a full investigation into the true way. But they pass rash judgment, saying that the Eastern Lightning is the evil spirit’s working and people will be deceived once hearing its way. It is really ridiculous to the uttermost! Could one who has the truth be deceived? All the truth is from God. Satan and various kinds of evil spirits have no truth at all, so they can only deceive people by fabricating lies and fallacies, but they caWhy Has the Religious World Been Serving God Yet Resisting Almighty God Over Such Long Time?n never deceive those who understand the truth and know God. Only the truth can conquer, gain, and perfect man. The truth will last forever and never change. No matter how many years a person has been deceived and controlled in religion, once he finds the truth and sees the appearing of the true light, he will naturally accept the true way and return to God. This is forsaking darkness for light. Mankind was created by God, so it is natural and right for them to return to God. If this is said to be being deceived, it is purely confounding black and white. Why does the religious world always deceive and control people by falsehoods and lies and seal off the religious churches tight? This is enough to show that the religious world has no truth. The door of the Church of Almighty God is open and no one can shut it. People are free to choose to come in or go out, which no one restricts. But as to the wicked people and evil spirits that hate the truth, the Church of Almighty God will certainly purge or expel them. The Church of Almighty God never entraps or controls people but lets them be completely released and free. This is sufficient to show that the Church of Almighty God is ruled by Christ, by the truth, by God’s word, and even more by the Holy Spirit. But most of the pastors and leaders in the religious world have long been revealed as ones who walk the way of antichrist. In order to keep their position and rice bowl, they would rather get mutual destruction and cut off all means of retreat than not fight Christ to the end. And they are hardened in heart and do not repent, thinking that God will compromise with them in the end and will appear to them from heaven calling them, as the Lord Jesus did to Paul in the Age of the Grace. Nailing God onto the cross but even wanting to obtain God’s mercy, they are impudent and shameless to the uttermost. They truly do not shed tears until they see their own coffins and refuse to bow their heads until faced with death, showing the “heroism” of the “brave and unyielding” religious family. This fulfills the word in Hebrews, “For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sins, But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.” (Hebrews 10:26-27)
All those in religion who truly believe in God should wake up to reality. Following the leaders in the religious world does not mean following God, much less does obeying pastors mean obeying God. In believing in God, we should seek the working of the Holy Spirit and the footsteps of God’s working. And we must seek where God’s voice, God’s word, appears before we can discover and see Christ’s coming again. Do not think that the way the pastors and leaders in the religious world have not accepted is not the true way, and that God will still be waiting and will not forsake anyone. This is totally wrong. Thinking back to the time when Noah entered the ark, there was no religious leader who followed and entered the ark, but God destroyed that age all the same. The Lord Jesus already condemned in the Age of the Grace the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees in the religious world, so the Holy Spirit would never work on them, much less would he lead them, because until today, we have not seen any of the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees in Jewish religion turn back. This is sufficient to show that they are the brood of satan and antichrists, are God’s enemies, and are the ones doomed to be punished and destroyed. If people still wait for these hypocritical Pharisees to repent and return to God, it shows that they do not understand God’s will at all and even less know that God’s righteous disposition is not to be offended. If people can still follow and adore the false shepherds and even are deceived and controlled by these antichrists the devils without the intention of repenting, they are truly beyond salvation. So, people should wake up to reality as soon as possible, lest they miss the opportunity of being saved by God and regret all their life. Now is the crucial period of spreading the kingdom gospel. So many people, when investigating the true way, are deceived and harassed by the lies and rumors of the antichrists the devils in the religious world, and are deceived by the fallacies and heresies of the great red dragon and thus dare not accept the true way. So many people, when investigating the true way, are hindered and deceived by the leaders and pastors in the religious world and cannot come before God. The lives of these people are ruined and killed in such a way by the leaders and pastors in the religious world and the great red dragon. The pastors and leaders in the religious world even compete against God for God’s chosen people and are evil to the degree of being against God, and they deprive God’s chosen people of their right to investigate the true way and make free choices. This evil fact is sufficient to show that they, the same as the great red dragon, are the devils that trample and devour the spirits and lives of mankind. They have committed a monstrous sin of offending God. Doesn’t the fact that they can hinder people from accepting the true way and returning to God in such a crazy way expose them as satan’s accomplices and partners? The blood debts they owe mankind have to be cleared and repaid, and God will surely repay each of them according to what he has done. This is also the fundamental reason why God does not appear to work in religion when he is incarnated in the end time. Just as the Lord Jesus hated, exposed, and judged the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees in the religious world, in the same way Almighty God incarnated in the end time hates, exposes, judges, and condemns the pastors and elders in today’s religious world who walk the way of antichrist. From this it can be seen that both times when God is incarnated to appear and work, although God’s name changes, God’s disposition and substance do not change. God is forever God, man is forever man, and satan is forever God’s enemy, which is a fact that will never change. People have to see clearly the substance and truth of the religious world serving God yet resisting God before they can accept the true way and obey God’s end-time work and be saved by God. This is immediately urgent and allows of no delay, because God’s day is close at hand. Almighty God says, “You should understand such a word: God’s work never waits for anyone who cannot keep up with his pace, and God’s righteous disposition is merciless toward anyone.”
We all can see a fact in the Bible: In the Age of the Grace the Lord Jesus not only did not call the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees in the religious world of that time, but on the contrary he exposed and judged them, and especially repaid and punished all those who were involved in crucifying the Lord Jesus, so that they came to no good end. This is a fact acknowledged by all. Could Almighty God, when coming in the Age of the Kingdom, have mercy on and forgive the force of antichrist in the religious world? Absolutely not. This is because God is righteous and holy and God’s disposition does not tolerate man’s offense. Almighty God has already decided their outcomes and clearly exposed the evil fact of most pastors and leaders in today’s religious world resisting God. Let’s see what Almighty God speaks about it, “Do you want to know the root of the Pharisees’ resisting Jesus? Do you want to know the substance of the Pharisees? They were full of fancies about Messiah, and they only believed that Messiah would come but did not pursue the truth of life. So they are still waiting for Messiah today, because they do not know the way of life nor know what is the way of truth. Do you think that they, so foolish and stubborn and so ignorant, will receive God’s blessings? Can they see Messiah? They resisted Jesus, because they did not know the direction of the Holy Spirit’s working, because they did not know the way of truth from Jesus’ mouth, and even more because they did not know about Messiah. As they had never seen or stayed with Messiah, they all made the mistake of holding on to the name of Messiah emptily but resisting the substance of Messiah unscrupulously. And the substance of these Pharisees is stubborn, arrogant, and disobedient to the truth. The principle of their believing in God is: Regardless of how high your preaching is and how high your authority is, as long as you are not called Messiah, you are not the Christ. Isn’t such a viewpoint of theirs very preposterous? Isn’t it too ridiculous? Let me ask you again: Since you do not have any knowledge about Jesus, then won’t you very easily repeat the mistake of the Pharisees at that time? Can you discern what is the way of truth? Are you really sure that you will not resist the Christ? Do you know how to follow the Holy Spirit’s work? If you do not know whether you will resist the Christ or not, then I say that you are already living on the brink of death. All those who did not know Messiah could do things of resisting Jesus, rejecting Jesus, and slandering Jesus; all those who do not know Jesus can do things of rejecting Jesus and reviling Jesus, and even more, can consider Jesus’ coming again to be satan’s deception; and more people will condemn the Jesus returning in the flesh. Do you not feel afraid? What you face will be blaspheming the Holy Spirit, tearing up what the Holy Spirit says to the churches, and spurning the words expressed by Jesus’ mouth. Being so dizzy, what can you receive from Jesus? Being too obstinate to be awakened, how can you understand the work of the Jesus returning in the flesh on the white cloud? I tell you, those who do not accept the truth but are just waiting for Jesus to descend on ‘white clouds’ are surely the ones who blaspheme the Holy Spirit. These people are surely the brood to perish. You only want to receive the grace from Jesus and only want to enjoy the blissful realm of heaven, but you never listen to the words of Jesus’ mouth and never accept the truths Jesus expresses when returning in the flesh. What are you going to give in exchange for the fact of Jesus returning on the white cloud? Will it be your sincerity in confessing your sins with your mouth after committing them repeatedly? What are you going to present as an offering to the Jesus returning on the white cloud? Will it be the capital of your years of work with which you exalt yourselves? What are you going to present to make the returned Jesus trust you? Will it be your arrogant nature that does not obey any truth?”
“How many seek the truth and follow justice? They all are beasts like pigs and dogs, leading a swarm of foul flies to wag their heads and create disturbances in the dunghill. They think that their ‘king of hell’ is the greatest ‘king.’ Don’t they know that they themselves are a foul fly? Yet they smear God’s existence by relying on their pig-dog parents. The tiny flies think that their parents are as large as a toothed whale. Don’t they know that they themselves are too tiny while their parents are dirty pigs and dogs that are hundreds of millions of times larger than them? They do not know their lowness, yet they run amuck everywhere by the ‘foul smell’ of the pigs and dogs, attempting to raise up seed. How shameless! Wearing green wings (which refers to carrying the banner of believing in God), they think that they are something, showing off their beauty and prettiness everywhere, secretly splashing their filthiness onto people. And they are pleased with themselves, as if they are using their pair of colorful wings to cover up their filthiness so as to persecute the existence of the true God (which refers to the inside truth of the religious world). Little do people know that although the flies’ wings are beautiful and attractive, they are, after all, a tiny fly that is filled with filth and covered with poisonous germs. They run amuck in the world by relying on their pig-dog parents (which means that the officials in the religious world who persecute God rebel against the true God and the truth by relying on the full support of the state), being extremely ferocious, as if the ghosts of the Jewish Pharisees have moved back to the country of the great red dragon in the wake of God, back to their lair, and have begun the work of persecution another time, continuing their work of thousands of years. This herd of scum will eventually perish on earth! It seems that the unclean spirits thousands of years later have become more ‘crafty and cunning,’ always wanting to secretly destroy God’s work, and they are full of wiles, wanting to ‘play’ again in their homeland the tragedy of thousands of years ago, pressing God so much that he almost wants to shout loudly and wishes to go back to the third heaven and exterminate them.”
From the words of Almighty God, people can better know that although the religious world is an organization that believes in God, it cannot be denied that most pastors and leaders in the religious world are ones who reject Christ and hate the truth. They are serving God yet resisting God. They only believe in the God in heaven but deny the incarnated Christ and can be against Christ, hating, condemning, framing, slandering, hunting, and trying to murder Christ. They have committed the monstrous crime of crucifying Christ again. This is an ironclad proof of the religious world resisting God, which no one can deny. Many places in the Bible mention that in the end time there will appear many false christs and antichrists. The apostle John said, “…and as you have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.” (1 John 2:18) “For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.” (2 John 1:7) To put it precisely, whoever denies and condemns the incarnated Christ is an antichrist, and whoever only acknowledges the God in heaven but not the incarnated God is an antichrist and is one who resists God and is against God. In the Age of the Grace when God was incarnated for the first time, whoever condemned Jesus and denied that Jesus was God incarnate was an antichrist. So the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees in Jewish religion were all antichrists. In the end time when the coming-again Jesus, Almighty God, appears, all the pastors and leaders in the religious world are denying and condemning the incarnated Almighty God, so they are all pure antichrists. Why does the religious world serve God yet resist God? The truth has been revealed! It is because they only believe in the vague God in heaven but do not acknowledge the incarnated practical God that they become God’s enemies and thus are revealed. It is even more because they cannot accept the truth expressed by the incarnated God but treat it with hostility and hatred that they can deny and condemn and resist Christ, which exposes the substance of their satanic nature of hating the truth that antichrists possess. It is also because the truth Christ has expressed is with great power and authority and can awaken and save mankind and enable them to break away from all satanic forces and return to God that the leaders in the religious world crucify Christ for the sake of preserving their position and fame and gain. This is the fact of the religious world serving God yet resisting God, which completely reveals the truth and substance of the religious world resisting God. God is incarnated to save man and to reveal all kinds of men, reward the good and punish the evil, divide men into their own kinds, and then decide their outcomes and end the age. All those who can accept and obey before the incarnated practical God are the ones who fear God and love the truth and are precisely the ones whom God wants to save and perfect. All those who resist and condemn Christ are the ones who are against God and who are revealed and eliminated and will surely be punished. There is no doubt about that. So, whether one will succeed or fail in believing in God depends on whether he can accept and obey the incarnated Christ, which is vitally important. To accept Christ and obey Christ is the greatest challenge to people’s believing in God, which requires great faith. The manifestation of the so-called “wise virgins” is that they can know God’s voice and recognize the voice of the “bridegroom” and thus can accept and obey Christ. By this they receive the practical God to their home. But the “foolish virgins,” because of not knowing the voice of the “bridegroom” and never being able to recognize God’s voice, reject Christ and continue holding to the vague god and thus are cast away and eliminated. From this it can be seen that believing in God without a true faith, one can hardly accept Christ. Those who refuse to accept Christ have missed “the wedding feast of the beloved” and cannot be taken by the Lord back to the home of the kingdom of heaven. Thus they cannot enter into the place that God has prepared for man. So, whether or not one in believing in God can accept the last Christ and obey the work of Christ determines his success or failure in believing in God. Most of the pastors and leaders in the religious world become pure antichrists because they refuse to accept Christ and even resist and condemn Christ. If they show no sign of repentance but can still deceive and control God’s chosen people and keep them as their own and can still desperately restrict and hinder people from investigating the true way and accepting Christ, they will become eternal sinners. This is the root of the leaders and pastors in the religious world serving God yet resisting God and thus being judged and condemned by God.
Whether one accepts Christ and is compatible with Christ in believing in God is the key to whether he will be saved. Refusing to accept and obey Christ is being against God, and only those who accept and obey Christ are the ones compatible with God. This is what Almighty God says, “Where is the evidence of your being compatible with me? Where is the reality of your being faithful to me? Where is the reality of your obeying me? Where is your intent of not seeking to receive blessings? You all are deceiving me and cheating me, and you all are playing with the truth, covering up the existence of the truth, and betraying the substance of the truth. You are against me like this, so what will be awaiting you in the future? You only pursue to be compatible with the vague god and only pursue a vague belief, but are not compatible with Christ. Having such evil deeds, won’t you receive a deserved retribution as the wicked will? At that time, you will know that none of those who are not compatible with Christ can escape the day of wrath, and you will also know what kind of retribution those who are against Christ will receive. When that day comes, your dream of receiving blessings through believing in God and your dream of going to heaven will be shattered. But this will not be so with those who are compatible with Christ. Although they have lost a lot and suffered a lot, they will have received all the inheritance I bestow to mankind. In the end, you will know that only I am a righteous God and only I can bring mankind into mankind’s pleasant destination.”
We should gain revelation from the lessons of the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees in the religious world resisting God: To be saved in believing in God, one must understand some crucial truths before he can see clearly the substance of the religious world resisting God. For example: 1. What way should a person who serves God walk? 2. What must a shepherd have so as to receive the Holy Spirit’s working? 3. Do the pastors fear God or have the reality of the truth? 4. How to discern the true and false shepherds? 5. How to seek God’s appearing so as to receive the Holy Spirit’s working? 6. What is the real church? 7. How to recognize God’s voice and know God’s word? 8. What is truly returning to God and obeying God? 9. What is breaking free from satan’s influence so as to be saved? 10. Why does understanding Bible knowledge and doctrines not mean understanding the truth and knowing God? And so on. It is greatly important to understand these truths. Whether a person can gain the truth and life and be saved in believing in God hinges on whether he can find a real church and whether he can follow the pace of the Holy Spirit’s working. This is the key to his being saved. Whether a leader or a shepherd of a church or of a religious group walks the right way has a direct bearing on whether this church can receive the working of the Holy Spirit, on whether those in the church who truly believe in God and love the truth can understand the truth and enter into reality, on whether all God’s chosen people who pursue the truth can gain the truth and life and be saved. So, it is most important whether a church leader or a group leader pursues the truth and truly loves God as well as what way he walks, because this is the key to whether he can receive the working of the Holy Spirit. To see whether a church leader or a group leader is after God’s heart, we have to see clearly three states:
1. If a church leader or a group leader is truly one who pursues the truth and thirsts for God’s appearing, surely he will receive the revelation and enlightenment and guidance of the Holy Spirit, will hear God’s voice and see God’s utterance and word, and will receive God into the church and bring God’s chosen people before God. Thus, the church will be blessed by God, and God’s chosen people in the church will have the fortune to experience God’s end-time work and be saved and blessed by God.
2. If a church leader or a group leader is not one who loves the truth but one who loathes and hates the truth, he will condemn and resist and refuse to accept the true way when seeing God’s utterance and word. Thus, he shuts God out of the church, and God’s chosen people in the church will also be deceived and fall into darkness. Such a leader harms God’s chosen people and ruins their opportunities of being saved and thus becomes an antichrist.
3. If a church leader or a group leader is a wicked servant and can even crucify again the Christ incarnated in the end time, committing a monstrous sin and thus being cursed by God, not only will he suffer disasters himself, but he will get God’s chosen people under his hand who truly believe in God into trouble. He will not only ruin their opportunities of being saved but also bring them onto the path of no return. Such a wicked servant is an antichrist the devil and is an eternal sinner, which is absolutely true. Whoever follows an antichrist not only cannot receive blessings but will suffer disasters and be punished.
People should learn to discern the church leaders or group leaders who are in the above three states. If one only pays attention to gifts and adores man blindly without discerning, he will be entrapped and deceived too easily. Once he is deceived and controlled by an antichrist the devil, the consequence will be most disastrous, and it will lead inevitably to his failure in believing in God.
Why can most organizations in the religious world lose the working of the Holy Spirit and fall into darkness? Because the leaders of these religious organizations are not ones who love the truth and pursue the truth, but are the forces of antichrist that focus on fame and gain, position, and vainglory, love to be looked up to and adored by man, and serve God yet resist God like the Pharisees. If one does not know how to discern them and always treat them according to his notions and good self-intention, he will easily be deceived and restrained by them. This is really very dangerous. Now, I will specify the five root causes of the religious world losing the working of the Holy Spirit and falling into darkness as follows:
First, the pastors and leaders in the religious world are not established by God personally; most of them do not have a heart of fearing God and even do not acknowledge that God could be incarnated to become the Son of man, and they are all pure antichrists.
We should first know how the religious world was formed and what the differences between the church and religion are. It is very necessary to make these matters clear. It can be seen in the Bible that during each stage of God’s work, God’s chosen people were led and shepherded by the ones who were personally established and appointed by God. For example, in the Age of the Law, God directly used Moses to lead the Israelites, and then Moses set up the priesthood. After Moses’ work ended, on the earth there was no longer anyone directly appointed by God to lead the Israelites, and priests were produced through election. This is the background against which the Jewish religious world came into being. From then on, the priesthood of Judaism was elected by the religious world. And the religious world, often due to electing wrong priests, headed for fall step by step. In the Age of the Grace when the incarnated Lord Jesus appeared to work, the religious world had fallen to the extent of resisting and condemning Christ and standing up against God. This is the fact obvious to all. When the Lord Jesus came to the earth to do the redemptive work, he personally selected twelve apostles, and the Holy Spirit also began to work, being with the disciples of Jesus. At that time, the gathering of those who accepted Jesus’ work on earth was called the church, and it was altogether shepherded by the men appointed by God, that is, the men used by the Holy Spirit. The real church was produced then. This is the origin of the church. More than thirty years after Jesus resurrected and ascended, most of the twelve apostles had been martyred, so there were no apostles appointed by Jesus personally who shepherded the churches on the earth. Thus, the various kinds of religious organizations came into being. This is the background against which the religious world in the Age of the Grace came into being. After that, regardless of whether one had the working of the Holy Spirit or not, as long as he could expound the Bible, he could set up a church, and as long as he had gifts, there were people approving and following him. And anyone could work and preach according to his own will and no one would restrict him. Thus, various denominations and sects began to come into being gradually. What is the church and what is religion? It can be said that whichever is shepherded and led by the man used by the Holy Spirit is the church, and whichever is not shepherded or led by the man used by the Holy Spirit is religion. This is the simplest and truest way to distinct. The real church has the working of the Holy Spirit; in religion there is barely any working of the Holy Spirit, and even if there is, it is on the minority who truly believe in God and pursue the truth. This is the difference between the church and religion. Here it is crucial whether the shepherd has the working of the Holy Spirit and is used by the Holy Spirit. If the shepherd is a pursuer of the truth and walks the right way, he will have the working of the Holy Spirit. If the shepherd is not a pursuer of the truth and walks the way of the Pharisees, he will not have the working of the Holy Spirit. As long as one can discern the true and false shepherds, he will be able to find the true church. The churches during the period God was incarnated to do the work personally change into various religious organizations, because most believers in God do not understand the truth and cannot discern the true and false shepherds and the true and false apostles. In the end time, mankind has been most deeply corrupted and does not understand the truth but adores the gifts, simply being unable to discern whether one has the working of the Holy Spirit. As long as one can expound the Bible, there are people who approve and follow him, with the result that people pay more and more attention to gifts. So, people all follow the pastors and leaders in the religious world to believe in God, simply not considering whether they have the working of the Holy Spirit or whether they have the reality of the truth, as if as long as they had a pastor’s certificate, they were approved and appointed by God and they had to accept and obey them. The foolish ones even treat their pastors as the Lord and worship them as God. In the Age of the Grace, the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees in the religious world could nail the incarnated Jesus onto the cross as their enemy, and thus the truth of the religious world resisting God was completely exposed and revealed. In the end time, most of the leaders and pastors in the religious world even more audaciously condemn and resist the end-time Christ. The facts are enough to prove that most of the pastors and leaders in the religious world do not have a heart of fearing God, and some of them even do not believe in God incarnate, and they do not have a place for God in their heart but only believe in and worship the vague god and by no means believe God’s real existence, much less believe that all the truth is from Christ. So these people are all unbelieving ones as well as servants of satan, and they have become pure antichrists, God’s enemies. All those who resist Christ and condemn Christ are the enemies of God, which is beyond doubt.
Second, none of the leaders in the religious world is one who is used by the Holy Spirit, and they are not perfected by God at all and are not qualified to do the leading and shepherding work.
We can see that in each stage of God’s work, after God had done the work personally, there would be the man used by the Holy Spirit to do the work committed by God, so that the church work at that time progressively entered the right track. Later, the religious world came into being and was in chaos all because there was no working and leading of the man used by the Holy Spirit. It is just because there was no working and leading of the man used by the Holy Spirit that the church deviated from God’s will. This is because without going through the perfection of the working of the Holy Spirit, one cannot gain the truth, and he cannot be transformed in his life disposition and absolutely cannot be fit for God to use. Even if he serves God, he is one who resists God. This is a fact. If in a church there is no man perfected by God who leads and takes the helm, all people will easily go astray, and much more easily walk the way of antichrist. They will work by their gifts like Paul and have no idea about it while they are resisting God. For example, in the Age of the Law, God used Moses to issue his laws. During the years after Moses had accomplished the work, there were some periods when there was no man raised by God, and at that time there was chaos in the religious world. In the Age of the Grace, after Jesus had done the redemptive work, the work was continued by the apostles appointed by Jesus. But after those apostles finished the work and left, because there was barely any disciple like Peter leading and shepherding the church, chaotic situation often appeared. In the religious world, various kinds of persons are “giving a performance.” Because mankind has been corrupted too deeply, if they are not judged and chastised by God so as to be saved and perfected, they can still walk their own ways and resist God, and the possibility of their rebelling against God is still one hundred percent. So those who do the shepherding work of the church have to be perfected by the Holy Spirit’s working and have a true knowledge of God before they are competent at the work. Now everyone can see that one with gifts is not necessarily able to work to shepherd the church. One’s having various gifts does not mean that he knows God, and once he is in power, he can become an antichrist or a false shepherd to control the church. Especially all corrupt mankind are good at disguising and cheating, and they all can be against Christ for the sake of their fame, gain, and position. This is a fact obvious to all. The corrupt mankind has long been filled with satanic disposition, and when such corrupt mankind gets together, how can chaos not occur without the shepherding of the man used by the Holy Spirit and the maintaining of the Holy Spirit? Without the man used by the Holy Spirit doing the leading and shepherding work of the church, people can hardly become obedient. Then, there will surely appear the chaotic situation of denominations mushrooming and claiming themselves to be the ruler. In the Age of the Kingdom, God does the work of judgment and chastisement for the sake of saving mankind and perfecting mankind. So, God first perfected a person, then uses this person to lead and shepherd God’s chosen people, and finally make them all fully convinced. Only in such a way can God make and gain a group of people who are of one heart and one mind with him to carry out his will. The leaders in the religious world have not been perfected by the working of the Holy Spirit, much less experienced God’s end-time work, and most of them even have no working of the Holy Spirit. They directly become pastors and leaders in the religious world only by a pastor’s certificate granted by the seminary and without the confirmation of the Holy Spirit’s working. This is also one of the root causes of the religious world being dark and chaotic. All those who experience God’s end-time work have seen clearly that without the leading and shepherding of the man used by the Holy Spirit, God’s chosen people cannot enter the right track of believing God at all, much less enter into the truth of the reality of God’s word. If the believers in God do not follow and accept the leading and shepherding from the man used by the Holy Spirit, they can hardly enter the right track of believing in God and absolutely cannot be saved by God. God is incarnated in the end time to end the Age of the Grace and open the Age of the Kingdom. In believing in God, only if one accepts God’s end-time work can he be saved.
Third, the pastors and leaders in the religious world are trained by seminaries and have not been guided, trained, and perfected by the working of the Holy Spirit.
The pastors and leaders in the religious world, being trained by seminaries, only have a pastor’s certificate and do not have the confirmation of the Holy Spirit’s working and the approval of God at all. This is a fact. It is necessary for one to have some understanding of the Bible, but most importantly, he has to know God’s work before he is qualified to do the shepherding work of the church. The Bible is an account of the first two stages of God’s work. Without reading the Bible, one has no way to know the historical facts of God’s appearing to work, much less have any way to know what truths God expressed in the first two stages of works, and he also cannot get the right answers to many truths and mysteries that mankind must understand. So reading the Bible is essential to believing in God, but one absolutely cannot know God only through understanding the Bible knowledge, and he also needs to be inspired and enlightened by the Holy Spirit’s working and be guided, trained, and perfected by the Holy Spirit’s working before he can truly know God’s word and understand the truth and know God. It is through experiencing God’s work as well as the revelation and enlightenment of the Holy Spirit that one comes to understand the truth, and he does not gain it only through studying and grasping the Bible knowledge. Most pastors in religion get a good understanding of the Bible knowledge through studying, but they do not know God’s work at all. This is mainly because they do not have the working of the Holy Spirit. Why is it that some people have the revelation of the Holy Spirit when they read God’s word but some do not have the working of the Holy Spirit when reading it? This reveals whether one believes in God with a true heart and whether he loves the truth. There are many people who try to get entrance into seminary to be a pastor. Regardless of whether they have a right intent, the most important thing is that they have to love the truth and pursue the truth, and only in this case can they gain the working of the Holy Spirit. Before one can truly understand the truth and enter into the reality of the truth, he has to experience several years of the working of the Holy Spirit. Only then will he be qualified to lead and shepherd God’s chosen people. Leading God’s chosen people only by a pastor’s certificate is completely out of man’s will, not in accord with God’ requirement at all. For example, why did Jesus, when he came, not go to the holy temple to call the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees in the Jewish religious world but go among the people to seek those who love and pursue the truth to be his apostles? Here we should understand God’s will. Those who do not love the truth cannot gain the truth, so they are unable to shepherd God’s chosen people. Then, we will be clear about what kind of men God likes, what kind of men God saves, what kind of men God uses, and what kind of men God hates. Most of the pastors in the religious world do not have the working of the Holy Spirit, which is enough to show that these people are all the ones who do not love or pursue the truth and thus cannot receive the working of the Holy Spirit. This is also one of the main causes of there being no working of the Holy Spirit in the religious world.
Fourth, the pastors and leaders in the religious world serve God all for the sake of their rice bowl, and they do not spend themselves for God genuinely. Most of them are not ones who pursue the truth.
From the attitude that most pastors in the religious world take toward Almighty God’s appearing and all the truths he has expressed, we can see that they do not love the truth and do not accept the truth. All the words that Almighty God has expressed are the truth and are the words of saving mankind and bestowing life to man and are the reality of the truth that God’s chosen people must enter into, but why are these words opposed and condemned by most pastors and leaders in the religious world? Why do they hate and reject the truth so greatly? Why can they vie with God for God’s chosen people, always wanting to control God’s sheep in their hands as their private possession, and hinder them from accepting Christ and returning to God, and even fabricate various kinds of lies to condemn the end-time work of God and persecute Christ? This has completely revealed the substance of their satanic nature of hating the truth and being hostile to Christ, and has thoroughly exposed their true self of being precisely the antichrists the devils that are accomplices of satan. This reminds people that in the Age of the Grace, the chief priests and scribes pursued and persecuted Jesus completely for the sake of preserving their position and rice bowl. They extremely feared that the Israelites would accept and obey Christ and forsake them, so they treated Jesus as their enemy and crucified him. Today, in the end time God is incarnated to appear and work, bringing the Age of the Kingdom. When God’s chosen people go to the religious churches to preach the gospel and testify God, they encounter the frenzied resistance and blockade and restriction from the pastors and leaders in the religious world. This shows that they hate the truth and are hostile to Christ like the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees in the Age of the Grace. God has thoroughly revealed them through the way of being incarnated. Thus it can be seen that the leaders and pastors in the religious world believe in God for the sake of their position and rice bowl, and most of them are not the ones who pursue the truth and they do not spend themselves for God genuinely. What they fear the most is that the people in the religious churches might see God’s appearing and accept the true way and return to God and thus reject them. So they frenziedly resist God, act against God, and do all kinds of evils, not hesitating to fabricate and spread various kinds of rumors to deceive others and trying their best to attack, judge, and condemn God’s work. The facts are sufficient to reveal that the pastors and elders in the religious world work and “serve God” only for the sake of their position and rice bowl, and they have others adore and follow them and treat them as God. They enjoy God’s sacrifices secretly and steal God’s glory and are not at all ones who fear God! Aren’t these unbelievers who are ruling in religion pure antichrists? Aren’t they servants of satan? Couldn’t people really see through the truth and substance of their serving God yet resisting God? Are believers in God willing to be deceived and controlled by them and thus become their sacrifices? It can be seen that if one, in believing in God, is deceived and controlled by the antichrist in the religious world and thus cannot experience God’s work and be saved, it is really sad!
Fifth, all men who have not experienced the perfecting of God’s judgment and chastisement are ones resisting God and God’s enemies, so they cannot serve God.
All those who experience God’s end-time work and understand the truth can see clearly that if corrupt mankind does not experience the perfecting of God’s judgment and chastisement, they are all ones resisting God and are God’s enemies and thus cannot serve God. This is a fact. Those in religion can hardly understand or see through this. But if they are really ones who seek the truth, as long as they experience God’s work and understand the truth, they can accept this fact. We have heard that some pastors in the religious world, after accepting God’s end-time work, see through the truth and substance of many things and can realize that without experiencing God’s judgment and chastisement, even if one believes in God for his whole life, he will understand too little truth, and that believing in God for his whole life in the Age of the Grace, one cannot gain more than what he gains after believing in God for one or two years in the Age of the Kingdom. This is because the truth God has expressed in the end-time work broadens people’s horizons and feasts their eyes. The truths God has expressed in the end time are so abundant, and when people understand these truths, they all feel that they have received great salvation and have seen through many things. Only if one experiences God’s end-time work can he truly understand the truth and gain the truth. Not only will his viewpoints on things be changed, but his outlook on life and his values will also be changed tremendously, and his life disposition will also be transformed accordingly. Only then can he truly love God and be of one heart and one mind with God. All these are the results achieved by his experiencing God’s judgment and chastisement and are the results achieved by his experiencing God’s end-time work and being face to face with God and knowing God. Only this is truly being saved. So, all those who have experienced God’s end-time work have seen one fact: If one wants to truly serve God and carry out God’s will, he has to experience the perfecting of God’s judgment and chastisement before he can know God and obey God. Otherwise, he is not qualified to serve God, and even if he serves God, he is resisting God. This is beyond doubt. Here I sincerely hope that the pastors and elders in the religious world, no matter what notions and judgment you have had about God before, should examine yourselves and repent and accept the true way, for Almighty God is waiting for your turning back. As long as God has not appeared publicly, you still have the opportunity to repent. If you persist in your mistaken ways and continue resisting God until the day of God comes, you will suffer loss and will forever lose the opportunity of being saved and perfected. The word “he who is unjust is doomed to destruction” is absolutely true, and God will repay each person according to what he has done, because God is righteous and he will make no exception for anyone.
Because of the above five root causes, the religious world completely loses the working of the Holy Spirit and falls into darkness. This is the fact that no one can deny. These problems existing in the religious world are sufficient to show that if corrupt mankind believes in God in religion, they cannot understand the truth and know God, much less be saved. Confronted with these realistic problems, we should even more pray to God and seek the truth in believing in God. To solve these realistic problems, we have to seek God’s end-time work and have to hear God’s voice and gain God’s words before we can find the truth and understand the truth and gain the truth. In this way, we can discern the true and false shepherds, can see clearly the true color of various kinds of antichrists and false shepherds, can see through the schemes of satan and get away from the deceit and control of the forces of antichrist. This is the only effective way to solve the darkness and chaos in the religious world. Many people have notions about God’s appearing to work. They say, “Why does God not appear to work in religion and not call the leaders in the religious world to serve God and testify God?” This is sufficient to show that people in religion have long been deceived and controlled by the notions of the religious world as well as the fallacies and lies spread by the antichrists and false shepherds, so they only understand Bible knowledge and can judge God’s work arrogantly and conceitedly, not knowing God’s righteous disposition at all. As to what kind of people God loves, what kind of people God hates, what kind of people God appears to, and what kind of people God hides himself from, they do not know them at all, so they can speak and judge things by their own notions and imaginations. How come those who have read the Bible do not research carefully why Jesus did not call the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees to be his apostles? How come the Lord Jesus always preached in the wildness and finally chose those outside the holy temple who could follow the Lord and love the truth to be his apostles? I think now you must have known the truth of the fact. No matter how many truths one has understood in believing in God, he should have a heart of fearing God, and it will never be wrong to believe that God is righteous and holy. All those who have notions and imaginations about God’s appearing to work should quiet themselves before God and pray to God and seek the truth before they can gain God’s revelation and keeping, so that they will be kept from making the mistake of judging God and resisting God and will get free from the deceit, control, and use of the false shepherds and antichrists but directly seek the true way and return to God. This is what a person who has a heart of fearing God can do. Today, Almighty God has come, and all the truths and mysteries have been disclosed. Concerning all the notions and imaginations that people in the religious world have about God, we absolutely can get the answers from the word of Almighty God. As long as one reads God’s word, he can hear God’s voice and see God’s appearing.
Almighty God says like this, “Over thousands of years, people have been expecting that they can see the descending of the Savior, expecting that they can see the Savior Jesus personally descend on the white cloud among them who have been thirsting after and expecting him for thousands of years. And people have all been expecting that the Savior will return and meet with them again, that is, expecting that the Savior Jesus who has been parted with man for thousands of years will return again and still do the redemptive work he did among the Jews, having mercy on man, loving man, forgiving and bearing man’s sins, and even bearing all man’s transgressions and saving man from sins. What people have been expecting is that the Savior Jesus will still be man’s lovable and amiable and venerable Savior, never getting angry with man or rebuking man, but forgiving and bearing all man’s sins and even still dying on the cross for man. Since Jesus left, the disciples who had followed him and all the saints saved through his name had been eagerly longing for him and expecting him like this. All those who were saved through the grace from Jesus Christ in the Age of the Grace had been expecting that the Savior Jesus would descend among men on the white cloud and appear to all men on a day of great joy in the end time. Of course, this is also what all those who have accepted the name of Jesus the Savior today are expecting. All those in the entire universe who know the salvation of Jesus the Savior are ‘eagerly expecting’ that Jesus Christ will suddenly descend, to ‘fulfill’ the word Jesus said when he was on earth: ‘As I will go, so will I come.’ People all think this way: Jesus returned on a white cloud to the right hand of the Most High in heaven after being crucified and resurrected; likewise, he will descend still on a white cloud (which refers to the cloud on which Jesus returned to heaven), in the Jewish image and in Jewish garment, among mankind who have been eagerly expecting him for thousands of years; after appearing to them, he will bestow food to them, pour out living water to them, and live among them full of grace and full of lovingkindness, living and real; and so on; all of which are what they think in their notions. However, Jesus the Savior did not do so. What he did was just contrary to man’s notions. He did not descend among those who eagerly expect him to return and did not appear to all men on the ‘white cloud.’ He has already descended, but people do not recognize him, nor do they know it, and they are just waiting for him aimlessly. Little do they know that he has already descended on the white cloud (the white cloud refers to his Spirit, his word, and all his disposition and being) among a group of overcomers he will make in the end time! How could people know: Although the holy Savior Jesus is full of lovingkindness and full of love for man, how could he work in the ‘temples’ that are full of filthiness and inhabited by swarms of unclean spirits? Although people are all waiting for his descent, how could he appear to those who eat the flesh of the unrighteous, drink the blood of the unrighteous, and wear the clothes of the unrighteous, and who believe in him but do not know him and yet keep extorting from him? People only know that the Savior Jesus is full of lovingkindness and full of mercy and that he is the sin offering full of redemption, but they do not know that he is God Godself who is laden with righteousness, majesty, wrath, and judgment and who is with authority and full of dignity. So, even though people all eagerly expect and thirst for the return of the Redeemer and their prayers have even moved ‘Heaven,’ the Savior Jesus does not appear to them who believe in him but do not know him.” From the words of Almighty God, we can completely understand God’s will and can see that there is truth and mystery in anything God does, but man’s notions and imaginations are not in accordance with the truth and are really foolish, without any value or meaning. In believing in God, only if one obeys God’s work and pursues the truth can he know God. Otherwise, even if he believes in God in religion for his whole life, he will not be able to gain the truth and life and absolutely cannot be saved. This is true.
Many people may still ask: Since God is almighty, why does he not destroy the great red dragon and the forces of satan? People all have such a notion and imagination, and there is the truth and mysteries to seek in it. Almighty God says, “Satan, in my plan, always follows in my wake at every step, and it, as a setoff to my wisdom, always tries various devices to disturb my original plan. However, will I yield to its schemes? In the heavens and the earth, what is not my serving object? Is satan’s scheme an exception? This is just the joint point of my wisdom and the wonderfulness of my deeds and is the principle of practice in my entire management plan. In the age of the building up of the kingdom, I still do not avoid satan’s schemes and continue to do the work I want to do. I have chosen satan’s doings from all things in the universe as my setoff. Isn’t this my wisdom?” If we look at God’s end-time work and recall the first two stages of works recorded in the Bible, we can see that there is one principle running through God’s work, that is, God maneuvers satan and the force of the great red dragon to do service for God’s work. So, in each stage of God’s work, we can see the resistance and disturbance from the evil forces of satan, including the force of antichrist in the religious world. However, God does not avoid it but uses the fact of the great red dragon and the force of antichrist resisting God to reveal people and perfect people, which is sufficient to prove that God’s wisdom is based on satan’s schemes. This is where God’s work is most contrary to man’s notions. It is because God is wise and almighty that he can maneuver satan and the great red dragon and all the evil forces of antichrist in the religious world to do service for him. This is completely out of God’s ruling and arrangement, which is for God’s chosen people to discern and see clearly who has corrupted mankind and who is saving mankind. Just as Almighty God says, “In my entire management plan, the six-thousand-year management plan, there are altogether three stages, that is, three ages: the Age of the Law in the beginning, the Age of the Grace (the Age of the Redemption), and the Age of the Kingdom at the end time. As the three ages are different, the contents of my works are different. But each stage of work is done according to man’s need, or rather, according to the schemes satan employs when I war against it. The purpose is to defeat satan and reveal my wisdom and almightiness and to expose all of satan’s schemes, thereby saving all mankind who live under satan’s domain. It is to reveal my wisdom and almightiness and also to expose satan’s hideousness, and even more to cause created beings to know good and evil, know that I am the Ruler of all things, see clearly that satan is mankind’s enemy, the scum, and the evil one, and make a clear distinction between good and evil, truth and fallacy, holiness and filthiness, greatness and baseness. So that these ignorant men can testify for me that it is not ‘I’ who corrupt mankind but I, the Creator, alone save mankind and bestow to men the things to enjoy, and know that I am the Ruler of all things, while satan is only a creature which was created but later rebelled. In the six-thousand-year management plan, I work by three stages. I work this way to achieve such a result: to enable the created beings to testify for me, understand my will, and know that I am the truth.”
For God to save mankind and perfect mankind is by no means as simple as people imagine, and God works in so practical a way. Only God knows how to save man, how to transform man’s disposition, and how to perfect man. From the end-time work, God’s chosen people have fully seen God’s deeds as well as God’s almightiness and wisdom and known that God’s righteous disposition does not tolerate anyone’s offense. Besides, what God’s chosen people have experienced most deeply is that God maneuvers the great red dragon to do service. Having suffered all kinds of persecutions and tribulations, God’s chosen people eventually see how God uses the great red dragon to do service and how God chastises the great red dragon and finally destroys it. These experiences are really heart-stirring and unforgettable. At the same time, God allows various kinds of evil spirits and antichrists to disturb the church and deceive God’s chosen people, by which he causes them to seek the truth and understand the truth and have discernment, and finally see clearly that various kinds of evil spirits are embodiments of satan and know the substance of satan’s evil nature and its true face, so that they can discern and rebel against satan and hate the great red dragon from their heart and rebel again it forever. As Almighty God says, “When I formally begin to work, all men move as I move, so that men in the entire universe are all busy along with me, and the entire universe is a scene of ‘jubilation.’ All men are caused to move by me. Thus, even the great red dragon is ordered about by me so much so that it is busy rushing around and at a loss what to do, doing service for my work. Though unwilling in heart, it cannot act according to its own will; so it has no choice but to ‘let me manipulate.’ In all my plan, the great red dragon serves as a setoff to me and becomes my ‘enemy,’ but it is also my ‘servant.’ Thus, I am never loose in my ‘requirements’ for it. So, the work of my incarnation at the last stage is to be completed in ‘its home.’ In this way, it can be better utilized to do service for me. Through this I will conquer it and accomplish my plan.” “God will perfect some people through some works of the evil spirits so that these people can thoroughly know the acts of the devil and all people can truly know their ‘ancestor.’ Only thus can people break away from it completely. Not only will they be caused to reject its offspring but they will also be made to reject their ancestor. This is God’s original intention in thoroughly defeating the great red dragon, which is to make all people know the true face of the great red dragon, and to peel off its mask completely and let people see its true face. Only this is what God wants to achieve, is God’s ultimate purpose in doing so many works on earth, and is what God wants to do on all people. This is maneuvering all things to serve for God.”
All those who have experienced God’s end-time work for several years have truly realized that God’s end-time work is too practical and it really can save man and perfect man. Now God’s chosen people have had a true knowledge about how God saves man and perfects man. This means that they have truly known God’s work. All those who understand the truth can truly obey the incarnated God and can worship the practical God and can see clearly the true face of the great red dragon and the antichrists in the religious world, having completely entered the right track of believing in God and got on the way of being saved and perfected. Without holiness no one will see God. It is absolutely true that one can hardly see God’s face without accepting the truth. All those who loathe the truth and hate the truth can only resist, condemn, and act against God if they see God has come. Here, I’d advise all believers in God: Believing in God, you should return before the incarnated God. You cannot be saved by only believing in the vague god in heaven. Only if you experience the work of Almighty God who is incarnated in the end time can you be saved and perfected. If you want to truly return before God while believing in God, you have to see clearly that all the leaders and pastors in the religious world who condemn and resist the work of the end-time Christ, Almighty God, are pure antichrists. Do not be deceived and bound and controlled by them anymore, and do not believe their lies and fallacies anymore. They are the partners of the great red dragon and the accomplices and running dogs of satan. If you follow this gang of antichrists the devils to believe in God, you are doomed to be cursed by God and punished by God, for Almighty God says, “Your faithfulness is on your lips, your knowledge is in your thinking and notions, and your labor is for the blessings of heaven. So what can your faith be like? Now faced with these words of truth, you still take a disregarding attitude. You do not know what God is or what Christ is; you do not know how to fear Jehovah or how to enter into the work of the Holy Spirit; you do not know how to discern God’s own work and man’s deception. You only know to condemn any word of truth expressed by God’s mouth that does not agree with your thought. Where is your humility? Where is your obedience? Where is your faithfulness? Where is your attitude of seeking the truth? Where is your heart of fearing God? I tell you, those who believe in God because of miraculous signs are surely the brood to perish, and those who cannot accept the words spoken by the Jesus returning in the flesh are surely the sons of hell, surely the offspring of the archangel, and surely the brood to perish forever. Maybe many people do not pay attention to what I am saying. But I still want to tell every so-called saint who follows Jesus: When you see with your own physical eyes Jesus descending from heaven on a white cloud, it will already be the time the Sun of righteousness appears publicly. At that time, you may be beside yourself with excitement. But have you ever known this: When you see Jesus descending from heaven, it will be the very time you go to hell to receive punishment. That will already be the time God’s management plan is declared concluded and the time God rewards the good and punishes the evil. This is because God’s judgment has ended at the time when people have not seen miraculous signs but only the truth is expressed. Those who accept the truth without seeking for miraculous signs and thus are purified will have returned before God’s throne and into the bosom of the Creator. Only those who hold on to one belief that ‘the Jesus who does not come on the white cloud is a false christ’ will suffer eternal punishment, because they only believe in the Jesus who can perform miraculous signs but do not acknowledge the Jesus who expresses severe judgment and releases the true way of life. So there is no choice but to let Jesus deal with them when he returns on the white cloud publicly. They are too stubborn, too self-confident, and too arrogant. How could such scum receive Jesus’ reward? Jesus’ coming again is an exceedingly great salvation to those who can accept the truth, but to those who cannot accept the truth it is a mark of being condemned. You should choose your way. Do not do things of blaspheming the Holy Spirit and rejecting the truth. Do not be ignorant and arrogant people, but be ones who obey the guidance of the Holy Spirit and thirst for and seek the truth. Only this will be good for you. I advise that you should cautiously walk the path of believing in God. Do not make judgments rashly, much less believe in God casually and carelessly. You ought to know that a believer in God should at least have a meek heart and a God-fearing heart. Those who hear the truth but turn up their noses at it are all foolish and ignorant people. Those who hear the truth but casually make judgments about it or condemn it are all arrogant people. As a believer in Jesus, no one has the right to curse or condemn others. You all should be ones who have sense and accept the truth. Maybe after you hear the way of truth and read the words of life, you think that only one ten thousandth of these words agree with your thought or with the Bible. Then you should continue to seek in this one ten thousandth of the words. Again I advise you to be a meek person. Do not be too self-confident, and do not be too self-important. In what little fear of God you have, you will receive greater light. Investigate carefully and ponder repeatedly, and you will understand whether these words are the truth and the life. Some people may blindly condemn them after reading only a few of them, saying, ‘These are nothing but some revelation of the Holy Spirit,’ or ‘This is a false christ coming to deceive people.’ Those who can say such words are simply too ignorant! You know too little about God’s work and God’s wisdom. I advise you to start all over again! You should not blindly condemn the words expressed by God because there will be false christs appearing in the end time, and should not be ones who blaspheme the Holy Spirit for fear of being deceived. Won’t that be too regrettable? If after investigating repeatedly, you still think that these words are not the truth, not the way, and not God’s expression, then you are one who will suffer punishment in the end and one who has no blessing. Such truths are spoken so clearly and so plainly and yet you cannot accept them; then aren’t you one unworthy to be saved by God? Aren’t you one having no blessing to return before God’s throne? Think carefully! Do not be careless, and do not be rash. Do not take the matter of believing in God as child’s play. You should think about your destination, your future, and your life. Do not trifle with yourself. Can you accept all these words?”
In believing in God, as long as one reads God’s word more often, he will naturally understand the truth and know God’s work, can surely be kept from being deceived or controlled by any evil force of satan, and can break away from the influence of darkness of satan and be saved. This is because God’s end-time work is in order to save man and perfect man. Almighty God says, “In this stage of work, God will let you understand and be clear about Jehovah’s law and Jesus’ redemption, and his main purpose is to let you understand all the work in the six-thousand-year management plan, comprehend the full significance and the substance of the six-thousand-year management plan, know the purpose of Jesus’ many works and many words, and know your blind belief in and worship of the Bible. He will let you see all these clearly. He will let you understand what Jesus did at that time and what God does today and understand and see all the truth, the life, and the way.” These are already the results achieved by the end-time work of Almighty God. If the leaders, pastors, and elders in the religious world can still obstinately persist in being against the end-time Christ and show no sign of repentance, with the excuse that they are waiting for God’s inspiring and declaring his attitude and revealing, then their outcome will be tragic. This has just fulfilled the word in Revelation, “Behold, he comes with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.” (Revelation 1:7) Many people, after reading this word in Revelation, do not understand the mysteries in it. Actually, if they can relate it to the fact of the religious world resisting God, they will easily understand it. Now we can think of the sorrowful scene of all people mourning, which will surely appear after those who serve God yet resist God see God’s open appearing. According to man’s notions and imaginations, when the believers in God see God’s appearing, they should be wild with joy. So how could there be the scene of mourning? Actually, this is not hard to understand. As they have done many things of condemning God and resisting God during the period of God’s incarnation, if they see that the God who appears openly is the very one whom they persecute and condemn, what scene there will appear is naturally known. If the one they have condemned and resisted is not God, then how could there be a sorrowful scene? This is one of the reasons. Moreover, many people had heard many times the testimony that God has appeared to work but did not accept it, and when they see that the God who appears openly is precisely the one they refused to accept before, how could they not mourn? Under such conditions, there will appear the sorrowful scene that “all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him.” The leaders, pastors, and elders in the religious world have all become ones who “pierced him” because of condemning God’s end-time work and being against Christ, and they also will weep and gnash their teeth because of seeing God’s open appearing. If they knew what would happen that day, why did they act in that way before? Here, I’d advise all those who believe in God in religion: Now is the time for you to examine yourselves and repent. You should examine and know your ways and deeds once again and have a look at all the words that the end-time Christ has expressed, then you will surely be able to see clearly why the religious world has been serving yet resisting God all along, and thus you will accept the true way and obey God’s work and be saved, so that you can welcome God’s open appearing. Only this is after God’s heart.
Almighty God says, “My people will surely listen to my voice, and all those who truly love me will surely return before my throne!”
June 1, 2013
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